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Hello. I'm the father of 3 years old child.
I divorced by mutual consent with my ex-wife. I took custody because we agreed that my family's education is higher. I took care of him for a year..... Continue Reading

How to register a company with B.O.I (Board of Investent)? Is it really always convenient?
Before considering to register a company with the B.O.I. (Board of Investment) you should consider, together with the benefits, the several "disadvantages" which may include:

a complicated setup process, the need for comprehensive, accurate accounting, numerous BOI investigations and...Continue Reading 


What are the effects, the consequences and the procedure of divorce in Thailand? What are the consequences of a divoce registered abroad between a foreigner and a Thai person?  Continue Reading

Dear The Social Lawyers Lawyer Thailand,

I read your articles with interest. Based on experience in courts in the U.K. and having been close to an inheritance squabble in the UK I know that, what should be simple can be acrimonious and tedious. Based on the following description can you give me an idea of the complexity and cost for you to act as executor?
My wife died without making a will. Continue Reading


Dear Estate Lawyer Thailand,
Hi my name is xxxxxx. My father died in thailand in xx xxxx. I am trying to collect his belongings money in his bank account and everything he had. As I live in the UK I am having trouble in doing so.
My father lived with a Thai lady but they were not married. She has his passport death certificate and bank details and will not communicate with me or release them to me as she is trying to get his money.
Will she be able to get his money out of his account and could u help me with this matter. Continue Reading


my Thai friend was recently found guilty for a narcotics-related offence (two-year prison sentence). The final hearing (trial) took place in mid-January. So far she has not received her official judgement. Is there a legal time limit defining the period in which the final judgement must be provided?

Dear Mr. .....

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give you an answer without knowing all the details of the trial.
Normally a to get a final judgement there is a minimum time of 30 days, but it can be extended for several reasons both on request of the Public Prosecutor or the defence.

To provide you with a more precise answer we would need the following information:
- Full name of the defendant (in Thai)
- Case number
- Info about the relevant Court where the trial has been held.
- A Power of Attorney from the defendant."executor nomination"