Criminal Lawyer Pattaya Thailand
Court Defence Lawyer Thailand

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The Thai criminal system and the procedures in criminal cases (penal law) are, in most cases, profoundly different while compared to the legal procedures of western countries. The mediation stage and the massive reductions of the sentences in case of admittance of the charges are concepts and procedures practically unknown in the West.
A perfect understanding between the defendant and the lawyer, as a perfect comprehension of the unrolling of the case in Thailand, are therefore of paramount importance, especially in a criminal trial where, even an apparently insignificant detail, could entail to a consistent different result.
Our law firm enjoys a strong reputation among major embassies. We specialize in providing comprehensive assistance, protection, and defence for foreigners accused of criminal charges.
Our President, is an esteemed European lawyer with a remarkable track record of over 30 years of experience in Thailand. Additionally, our President holds the Trustee and Consular Correspondent position for the Italian Embassy and has been recognized as a trusted legal advisor by the French and British embassies.
We greatly value the opportunity to serve and assist individuals from all walks of life, providing them with the support they require during these challenging circumstances. Our firm prides itself on maintaining professionalism and discretion throughout our collaborations.

The legal system in Thailand has been defined as a civil law system with common law holds, sometimes as a mix-system, which is totally false.
The Library of Congress recites: “The legal system remains a mix of the traditions and the modernity. In some southern provinces, for instance, Islamic law and customs apply to marital and heritage affairs among the Muslims.
A large section of the current legal system consists of criminal, civil, and commercial codes adopted from the French Napoleonic Law System, the British and other European legal systems with some modifications. Furthermore, there is a whole body of administrative law consisting of royal orders, administrative orders, and ministerial directions.
There are no jury-trials in Thailand. A single authority decides cases for misdemeanours; two or more judges are necessary for more critical cases.
The constitution grants the presumption of innocence, and criminal defendants are assured access to legal counsel. The guidance outlined in the Criminal Code requires public prosecutors to rely exclusively on the instructions of police when deciding whether to bring a case forward for criminal prosecution.*
Police are required to convey criminal cases to prosecutors for the filing of court charges within 48 hours of arrest. Extensions of up to three days are authorised, and police, with court permission, may hold suspects for up to 82 days for severe crimes while investigations are conducted.
Thai courts and police can move slowly or instantly depending on the situation and the areas. The accused are obliged to wear prison outfits and restraints around their joints during their cases.
Facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming and distressing experience, particularly in a foreign country like Thailand. When navigating the complexities of the Thai legal system, it is crucial to have a proficient criminal lawyer who speaks your language and has a deep understanding of Thai laws and customs. This article will explore the significance of choosing a skilled and knowledgeable criminal lawyer to ensure your rights are protected, and your case is handled with the utmost expertise.
- Overcoming Language Barriers to Effective Communication
In legal matters, clear and effective communication is paramount. A proficient criminal lawyer who speaks your language eliminates the potential language barriers that might impede essential information exchanges. Misunderstandings or misinterpretations of legal proceedings, evidence, or strategies can have grave consequences. By opting for a lawyer fluent in your language, you can actively participate in your defence, understand your options, and make informed decisions.
- Understanding Cultural Nuances and Customs
The Thai legal system is deeply influenced by the country's cultural heritage and customs. A criminal lawyer well-versed in Thai culture can comprehend the subtleties that may affect your case. Familiarity with societal norms, traditions, and courtroom etiquette allows the lawyer to navigate the legal landscape more effectively, ensuring your defence is culturally sensitive and persuasive.
- Navigating the Complexities of Thai Laws
Thai laws, like those of any country, have their unique intricacies. Engaging a criminal lawyer with extensive knowledge of Thai laws is indispensable when facing charges in Thailand. They can analyze the specifics of your case in the context of relevant statutes and precedents, crafting a well-grounded defence strategy that aligns with the intricacies of Thai law.
- Tailoring Defense Strategies to Suit Local Judiciary Practices
Legal practices and procedures can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another. A proficient criminal lawyer with expertise in the Thai legal system can tailor defence strategies to align with local judiciary practices. They can anticipate how judges and prosecutors typically handle cases, thereby creating a more effective defence tailored to the specific legal landscape of Thailand.
- Protecting Your Rights and Interests
An experienced criminal lawyer with a deep understanding of Thai laws and customs will vigilantly safeguard your rights throughout the legal process. From the moment you engage their services, they will act as your advocate, ensuring fair treatment and protection from potential abuses or infringements on your rights.
- Building Strong Relationships and Networks
A well-established criminal lawyer in Thailand is likely to have developed a strong network within the legal community, which can benefit your case. Access to reputable experts, investigators, and resources can enhance the defence strategy and provide valuable insights that may be available to more experienced lawyers.
When facing criminal charges in Thailand, the importance of selecting a proficient criminal lawyer who speaks your language and possesses in-depth knowledge of Thai laws and customs cannot be overstated. From overcoming language barriers to navigating the complexities of the legal system, such a lawyer will be your staunchest ally in securing the best possible outcome for your case. Remember, a skilled criminal defence attorney will protect your rights and ensure that your defence strategy aligns with Thailand's cultural and legal nuances, giving you the best chance at a fair and just resolution.
Our English Speaking Bangkok Criminal Lawyer can assist you in the following Thai Provinces:
Bangkok (กรุงเทพมหานคร), Chonburi (ชลบุรี), Phuket (ภูเก็ต), Chieng Mai (เชียงใหม่), Chiang Rai (เชียงราย), Lampang (ลำปาง), Mae Hong Son (แม่ฮ่องสอน), Kanchanaburi (กาญจนบุรี), Phetchaburi (เพชรบุรี), Buri Ram (บุรีรัมย์), Chaiyaphum (ชัยภูมิ), Khon Kaen (ขอนแก่น), Mukdahan (มุกดาหาร), Nakhon Phanom (นครพนม), Nakhon Ratchasima (นครราชสีมา), Nong Khai (หนองคาย), Sakon Nakhon (สกลนคร), Surin (สุรินทร์), Ubon Ratchathani (อุบลราชธานี), Lawyer Udon Thani (อุดรธานี), Ayutthaya (พระนครศรีอยุธยา), Lop Buri (ลพบุรี), Nakhon Nayok (นครนายก), Nakhon Pathom (นครปฐม), Nakhon Sawan (นครสวรรค์), Nonthaburi (นนทบุรี), Phitsanulok (พิษณุโลก), Sukhothai (สุโขทัย), Samut Prakan (สมุทรปราการ), Samut Songkhram (สมุทรสงคราม), Saraburi (สระบุรี), Suphan Buri (สุพรรณบุรี), Chachoengsao (ฉะเชิงเทรา), Chanthaburi (จันทบุรี), Prachin Buri (ปราจีนบุรี), English Rayong (ระยอง), English Speaking Lawyer Trat (ตราด), Krabi (กระบี่), Nakhon Si Thammarat (นครศรีธรรมราช), Phang Nga (พังงา), Ranong (ระนอง), Songkhla (สงขลา), Surat Thani (สุราษฎร์ธานี) Lawyer Koh Samui (เกาะสมุย)